Foreword to the 10th Anniversary Here and Now Older People’s Arts & Well-being Festival 20/21

Arts Care in partnership with the Public Health Agency against the backdrop of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic delivered the 10th Anniversary of the Here & Now Older People’s Arts and Well-being Festival during 20/21.
Our Arts Care Festival Team and Artists with the support of local agencies engaged many older people across Northern Ireland who were living alone and isolated in a full Artistic Programme which included online Art, Music, Dance, Creative Writing, Drama, Photography, Film Workshops. Some dance and creative writing workshops took place in gardens in local communities.
Seventy-two per cent of the Arts Activity was delivered remotely during this year’s 10th Anniversary Festival. Zoom and pre-recorded Online Art Workshops supported with the delivery of Arts Care 4U Art Boxes ensured that older people most in need in Residential Care Units and living alone in rural communities gained access to participation in the Arts to support their Mental Health and Well-being during the pandemic. From the Glens of Antrim to Lisnaskea older people were making art happen.
The ‘In Full Bloom’ Regional Online Festival Art Exhibition, Festival Highlights & local Showcases give audiences a glimpse of how the Arts connected people creatively and gave voice and celebration to many vulnerable older people experiencing isolation, fear and anxiety.
Thank you to our Festival Team, Artists, the Public Health Agency, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and to everyone who supported the Festival.
A special thank you to all our participants who with a determination to take part in the festival, met the challenge of learning new technology skills to gain access to our online arts activities and events. Your contribution and outpouring of personal and collective creative expressions have made our Tenth Anniversary Here & Now Festival one of the most memorable and productive to date.

I hope you enjoy the ‘In Full Bloom Exhibition’ and the highlights of this significant Festival.

Dr Jenny Elliott

CEO and Artistic Director Arts Care