Studio 2, Older Men’s Group

Title of Work: Sing Your Own Song
Facilitating Artist:
Roy Arbuckle

The project produced the song “He Never Stopped Loving Her,” which was based on the story of one man in the group who had had a very difficult time and had just lost the woman he had loved since his teenage. We had intended to record the group singing the song but Covid got it the way. It was the probably the most difficult and emotional task I have ever had and also the most rewarding. The process had a very healing affect on the man concerned and the whole group. They have been very supportive of the process. They had heard the recorded studio version of the song and when I sang it live to them and they joined in the chorus it was a special moment. I hope to pick up with the group in the near future.


Studio 2, Older Men’s Group

He Never Stopped Loving Her