Sion Mills Community Group

Title of Work: Chit Chat Club
Arts Care Project Artist:
Frank Galligan 
Art Form: Poetry, stories, singing and song writing

The emphasis of Chit Chat Club in Sion Mills was an opportunity for participants to engage in conversation post-Covid, something they had been starved of during the Pandemic.

Following on from their successful cricket project, a number of famous local cricketers, who had been unavailable previously, joined them to talk of the history of the famous club. After a few weeks of chat, they got down to writing poems, stories and songs.

The final few sessions where two of the songwriters performed and the group contributed were a highlight of the project. The general consensus was that the camaraderie and mental well-being had benefited greatly, and notwithstanding a number of absences due to illness etc., turnout was consistently good.

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Sion Mills Community Group