Inniscoole Day Centre

Title of Work: Down Memory Lane
Facilitating Artist:
Geraldine Gallagher

The four ladies that participated in the group, brought their photographs in to share. They were members of a dementia group. I produced multimedia presentations which help situate their lives and their personal images within music, culture and history. They all lived ordinary lives which were extraordinary in their detail, experiences, travel and love of life. They opened up a new world of experience, fun and lots of laughs for the other participants in the group who watched the movie presentations. The staff also got to see a whole new side to their clients. We marvelled over the beautiful wedding dresses, the style was awe inspiring! The risks women took to travel to America to become nannies. We got to know their partners and their children through their photos. Memories were triggered with newsreels, film clips of music stars that were popular at the time, 'These Boots Were Made for Walking', Nancy Sinatra got a wonderful, enthusiastic response. As did the little movie clips of newly released films of each era we explored. This triggered a memory of a lady who used to go to the pictures every Saturday with her mum. The workshops injected enthusiasm, energy and a feel good factor for everyone each week. I looked forward to presenting them each week.

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Inniscoole Day Centre

Inniscoole Ladies

Mary Lundy

Anne Jones

Anne Spence